How To Find A Good Tax Attorney
On the surface, finding a good Los Angeles tax attorney looks like a difficult task. After all, most people don’t know a lot about how the tax code works, much less how to deal with both the code and the IRS if problems come up.
There is an established way to go about it, though. It’s relatively simple, and this article will run you through both the process and the resources you may need to use.
Start with family and friends. Nearly everyone has to use an attorney at some point, and some of these folks may have used a solid attorney who knows a tax attorney. Or they may have even used a tax lawyer as well, which makes the process even easier.
You can also use online reviews, although these should be read carefully. Some are too general, and dealing with tax problems tends to be very specific and detailed, so you may only be able to get a limited about of information.
In addition, your local bar association may be a good resource, especially if you’re looking for a Los Angeles tax attorney. This can give you more qualified candidates, and you may even find someone who specializes in your specific issue.
When you do come up with a list of candidates, make sure you look closely at their history, qualifications and track record. The reason you need to do this is simple. Tax records tend to be specialists, and as a result their qualifications can vary greatly and be all over the map.
The best ones tend to have advanced legal degrees from top-level universities that specialize in producing tax attorneys, and some have a financial background as well that may include an MBA or a track record as a CNA, an IRS agent or a financial planner.
But education qualifications alone may not be the determining factor. The next step in the process is to start making some phone calls to some tax attorneys on your list. Most good tax attorneys offer a consult for free, and this usually consists of an initial phone call or a visit to discuss your problem and see if there’s a fit.
Pay careful attention when you do this. You need to make sure you have a good rapport with the attorney, and you need to get a good idea of what it’s likely to cost to solve … Read the rest